Bold Style: The Online Comic Strip
by Jon Spengler

God vs. Bill Gates
Bold Style Arena #2

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You knew it would happen. Grace verses geek, Creator verses computer, Benevolent verses BASIC. It could be a close bout, with Gates being a cybor... I mean, lets take a closer look at the contenders...

Aye, give me back me looky charms or me blow yer freakin' brains out.God
Race: ?
Gender: ? (he's a man. c'mon, lets just face it.)
Age: A million years is like a second to him. Sounds like a mid life crisis, if you ask me.
Weight: ?
Nick names: Creator, Almighty, Lord, Father, Home boy, Snuggle Muffin
Pet peeves: Sinners, demons, lazy sons.
Catch Phase: "I will share my love... with my fist!"

Specialty Move: Divine Drop-kick
Now this guy has an impressive resume, but not when it comes to fighting. I mean, sure, create the world, create some humans, unconditional love, sure, but crush someone's face by wiggling an ear lobe, now that is something to worship. If this guy is all forgiving, I wonder when the last time he had to utterly kick the snot out of someone was... probably back in the good old days of the Old Testimate. Not that namsy pamsy New Testimate stuff, the old stuff was 'worship or feel my loving wrath!' That and there was talking flames. I now refuse to read anything that doesn't have a talking flame in it. Wait. Considering that I've only read one book out of the Old Testimate and the closest thing I've come to the rest was the few seconds of EWTN that I see channel surfing, I guess I'm just full of crap. Or EWTN is bad for you. Yeah, it's bad for you.

I'm not short, I'm undertall!Bill Gates
Race: Human, probably
Gender: Male
Age: We will live forever.. Resistance is futile...
Weight: A whopping 125 lbs.
Achievements: Computer marketing, making more money than my whole town combined, furthering the devil's cause on earth.
Geek factor: 9, Mr. Sulu
Biggest advantage: Buying and selling lives like corn flakes.
Specialty Move: Monopoly Meat Masher (ouch!)

Multi-billionair, marketing genius, why not the Almighty? He already could buy most of the earth and have people bow down to him in worship or his specially trained team of genetically engineered hot women will come and wreak havoc. Yes, I've seen Dark Angel. Hasn't everyone? I mean, yeah, sure, we're watching it for the wonderful writing and the suspenseful story. Pfft. Ooo, I wonder if he's really the bad guy, and if he killed... oh wait! She's doing flips wearing hot pants! Don't care anymore! Some how I've gotten around describing Bill Gates and spent the whole time talking about Baywatch in the disguise as an action show. Poop. I hope this doesn't effect Bill Gate's chances of winning. Uh... mm... He's smart, he makes lots of money, and he likes computers! Yeah! Go Bill! If he can't rule us, no one can! (oh man, I suck so bad... *whimper*)

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Previous Arenas:

Lucky vs. Bilbo

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